Tour of Lab Inflatables

Scotty, our latest arrival, all the way from Antarctica

Sharkie: guardian and symbol of our 'go for the throat' version of science.

Glenn-rex: John Glenn, transported by a worm hole, from the now-defunct Viagra space station to the back of a T.rex

Go Lab Racer!

Enema Man - Go figure! (He is not actually inflatable, which is probably just as well.)

Lab platypus mascot, imported from Down Under

Funding cow (udder has NCI, NIH, and HHMI teats). Sadly, Bossy has become a little deflated over the last few years...

Fly boys

Lab jetliner (ignore parachuting pilot...)


Lab mascot and source of tetrodotoxin

High resolution structural model of Werner Syndrome protein showing helicase and exonuclease domains

Some days we're perpetually underwater...

French baseball player-Quelle horreur!

RIP - Inflatables from the Past


The John Glenn Millipore/Viagra inflatable international spacestation,

our very first inflatable, now in Inflatable Heaven